Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 18-26: Fail

Clearly blogging is not my forte nor my calling, but a valiant attempt none the less. I guess it goes to show you that the longer that you go without something, the easier it is to go without. This is very true of my experience thus far without Facebook. I have been telling people I may not go back, but most likely it will be with a lesser presence. I have gotten annoyed that I'm not able to get free samples from lots of companies unless I "like" them... which requires me to log on. I know it sounds silly, but I love me some samples! I have been enjoying missing the drama of online social media, although with a good friend recently going in for surgery I found myself wishing I had it just in case any updates had been posted since my attempts at phone/email contact haven't gone far. Perhaps I wouldn't find anything on Facebook either and can always ask another friend to check for me. It's been a great experience though. I love finding that the stuff we think we need is so unnecessary and we are wrong. It's been good. I'm going to keep going!

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