Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 11-14: Events

I have been too busy to blog or miss Facebook, so both are a good thing. Sorry I haven't had much in the way of profound thought. I believe I am getting somewhat worn by the busyness of my life. I had intended to be better at this, but alas I haven't done so hot. Ha ha.

Anyhow... I got a text Friday from someone who noticed that I am no longer able to be found on Facebook (one of a few people who have yet to ask) which is interesting in and of itself. So, since she couldn't invite me to her event on Facebook she resulted to texting me. Being able to create 'events' on the site has made getting people together for any kind of an event so EASY. Who needs birthday invitations, baby shower invites, or any kind of party invitations? Facebook eliminates that and allows you to see who else is going, who is thinking about it, and who is totally out. These options aren't available on paper and have made things a lot easier, but again so much less personal. I can't remember the last invitation I got in the mail. Probably a wedding invitation over a year ago. Things have so much changed. I personally like getting mail, but I know it saves time and money to do things online. I have had several 'events' since I've had Facebook and it almost eliminated the responsibility of the individual to give a response. People are so much less inclined to use any kind of etiquette as far as giving an RSVP which drives me CRAZY. I don't care if you don't plan on attending, just tell me and soon. Either way I think this feature has enhanced and changed the way that people get together and have a conversation about it. A good thing all in all.

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