Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 1: Deactivation

This morning I deactivated my account, so the fast has begun. Funny thing about the situationt was the challenge in figuring out how to go about doing so. Who would have thought they'd make it such a difficult task? Clearly they hope you'll have a profile until you're 80 or so! Really it hasn't been so bad, but I have found myself wanting to check my ipod app, which I also deleted. It's all good.

Real Life update: This weekend we were at Lake Williamson and I thought it would be fun to try the zip line that went over the water and then dropped you once you got to the end and lands you in the lake. After trying to make sure my hands were dry so I could grip it well I made my effort, only my left hand was still wet and I slipped off, hanging by one arm for a moment and then making an ungraceful splash (there is a video that shows how unfortunate it looked). Anyhow my shoulder was hurting really bad the next day- I thought it was simply muscle soreness and attempted going to work only to leave a few hours later because of the pain. I found out at the doctors office I had strained it. Now I have a few days off work which I'm not too thrilled about and plenty of time in which I would have spent on facebook. I now will try and fill with some activity more productive and praiseworthy.

And... back to the fast:  While I was at the doctor I had the urge to "check in" and share my misery with the world- but I could not. So pathetic! I know it'll get easier and I won't miss too much or at least I will have no idea what I'm missing. Though I do hope my true friends will still give me a holla every now and again. I hope this will spur me to keep better contact with people by other means. Tomorrow I will blog about some particular topic in regards to facebook, but I'm still trying to make these more concise and organized. HA!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about the shoulder! I think it's very interesting that you had the urge to check in about the injury. Not because it's not worth sharing, but because it seems like facebook has really embedded itself in the social hierarchy of communication. It's as if, you don't think that this injury is worth calling or texting or emailing your friends about. On one hand, you have an injury that you won't share with your friends, but also an injury that you'd share with the whole "world" on facebook. Oh the paradox!!! lol
    Love the blog!!!!!!!
