Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 27-40: The End

After the realization that keeping up with a blog isn't my thing I have made it to the end of my 40 days without facebook. I have yet to reactivate my account and I'm somewhat hesitant to do so. Having stepped away from the whole thing for 40 days I realized just what I thought I would- I don't really need it. Aside from a few things here and there I haven't missed it all that much, and I certainly haven't missed the mountain of emotions that I allowed it to bring to me by seeing the lives of others broadcast on the daily. 
Some people haven't even noticed that I was gone, or they assume I unfriended them so I'm sure my absence hasn't caused too much of a hole in the world, or any at all. I'm on the fence now about whether or not to get back to it. I was thinking about adding limitations such as only allowing myself to check it one time a day. However, if I remember correctly I also had alerts sent to my phone and I then had to go and check out what someone had commented, etc. That feature can easily be remedied though and turned off. I would also like to consider keeping the app off my ipod too- that caused even more of a temptation to check up on things. I really learned a lot from this experience and I would highly encourage others to try it, perhaps for a shorter amount of time if they can't stand the thought of 40 days- but it does tend to help you see things in a new light.
My use of Twitter has gone up, I'll admit- but somehow I don't feel like that's as big of a deal. I don't have too many people that I keep up with and my real friends don't post much, it's the musicians, businesses, and other celebs that are constantly using it.
I may decide to see what happens and have promised myself that I will not get wrapped up in it again or allow it to stir up feelings that don't need to be there. It may have to become a fast I do every couple of months or something. I'm not going to lie I will be excited to share photos of Italy and be able to see what people have been up to while I was gone, but for what reason? I am positive the answer is probably somewhere along the lines of wanting to show off or so I can keep up on all the 'gossip' around town. That's what the thing can be- a giant, worldwide gossip mill. Yikes!
Social networking is neither good nor bad- it's all about how you use it and your attitude. As with anything, too much can be harmful, but in moderation it can be a great tool!